Monday, April 19, 2010

Back from Vegas.....

Just spent the weekend in Las Vegas with family and friends. Had an amazing time of course met new people and ate a lot. yes I did eat a whole lot of not so good food. I also had my alcohol consumptions. Even thought I behaved badly in the well know "sin city", I did not regret my faults. Now its time to focus again and its time to work harder. Like I said prior to leaving for my mini vacation, once I return I will set mini goals each week to attain in hope that my weight loss will be a success. I will go back to eating healthy food and make better choices. My goal for this week is to lose 3-5 lbs. I can do this. I will workout 4-6 times a week. To update, I weigh in this morning and I am at 209.4 lbs. I gained a couple of pounds and now its time to lose more......I CAN DO IT!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

8 down 2 more to go!

I'm almost there. For my Vegas trip coming up in the end of this week, I have made a goal to lose 10 pounds. I ate healthy, I worked out, and I made better choices for myself. As a result, I have lost 8 pounds so far. I have 4 days to work on the extra 2 pounds and I know that I can do it. This is just the beginning of my journey. Now that I have regained my confidence and motivation, I will keep looking forward in hope to reach my long term goal of losing 80 pounds. I know that along the way I will come across obstacles that may potentially slow me down. But I will be prepared to tackle those obstacles with an open and strong mind. I have in the past allowed to let myself to lose control once I hit a bump in the road. As a result, I gained back all the weight I have lost with extra baggage and my emotions would play bad mind tricks making me think the "what ifs??".

My plan for the weeks coming up is to set a mini goal each week for me to attain. I will continue doing what I am currently doing because I know it works. I will workout harder and plan out my meals to avoid settling for the unhealthy when I'm cramp with time. But for now, I will rejoice with my victory and hope that my progress will continue. People may say when I go to Vegas I will gain my weight back. I thought of that I am prepared to gain a few pounds back but you know what? I don't care. For now I will enjoy myself on my trip and when i return home, I will work harder to lose those pounds. How often do I go for a trip? not very often therefore I will have a reason to celebrate at Vegas.

Update: As of today I am currently at 208.6 lbs.

New picture of me same top same pants: can you see the difference?

Friday, April 2, 2010

A little lost goes a long way....

Today, I will update. What have I been up to lately? Nothing much really I have been behaving really well as far as eating healthy. I consume a lot of fruits and vegetables. I cut back on my starch/sweets and I have been drinking a whole lot of water and green tea. However, I have been lazy when it comes to working out. But today was a different story. I went to the gym and hit the treadmill and weights. I forgotten how well it feels post a good workout. But enough about that. I weigh in this morning before breakfast and I checked in at 211.4 pounds. Its a small weight loss considering I have not workout until today but I am ecstatic. This small amount of weight loss gives me the motivation to keep going. So that is exactly what I will be doing keep losing because this little loss will take me closer to my goal weight by believing and having faith in myself. I still have my Vegas trip in mind and If I could not attain to the goal of losing 10lbs by April 16, then I will be happy with whatever weight loss I will accomplish.

Starting weight: 214.6 lbs-March 19, 2010
Fall back weight: 216.4 lbs-March 23, 2010
Current weight : 211.4 lbs (yes 5 lbs loss)-April 02, 2010


Old: March 19
waist 41 inches
hips 48.5 inches
bust 43.5 inches

New: April 02
waist: 38 inches-loss 3 inches
hips: 47 inches-loss 1.5 inches
bust: 43 inches-loss 0.5 inches

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 2 of master cleanse!!

Well, there is no day 2 of the master cleanse. I wrote yesterday that I am coming down with a flu. Now I have the flu aarrggghhh. I thought about my detox and realize that this is not the time to do it. My body is going through a lot of stress with this virus and I need all the nutrients and vitamins to be able to fight it. So therefore, going through the master cleanse at this time is not going to help me but make me sicker instead. I have been eating healthy to continue with my weight loss. I weigh myself this morning before breakfast and the scale weigh read 212.8 lbs. So I did lose some of my water weight but I know by the end of today, I will probably gain them back when I start drinking fluids. But I have not given up on the master cleanse. When I get through this flu virus, I will start the master cleanse once again. I am kind of disappointed because I was really looking forward to the after result.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 1 on the master cleanse...

Okay this morning i woke with excitement because I am starting my master cleanse. I poured the juice in an 8oz glass and started drinking. I thought to myself "wait a minute, this does not taste like the stuff I remember from my sneak sip last night". Not only was it so sour but it leaves a burning sensation in your mouth-I guess that is due to the cayenne pepper. I have to drink 6-8 glasses of that sour concoction. So far I'm down to 2-3 glasses and I can only stomach so much of it. As far as what I'm feeling physically, I don't feel any difference I don't find myself hungry. However, I had chills and a fever this morning. It could be due to me catching the flu. At this time I don't know whether the chills and fever are brought on by the juice. I will be posting my before and after photos to document the changes.

This is my before photo weighing in at 216.4 lbs

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Just to jump start-call me crazy!!!

I can't believe I'm going to do it. I can't believe I'm going to do it!!! You're probably wondering what it is exactly that I'm setting myself up for. I have been having a hard time to jump start my weight loss that instead of progressing, I'm back tracking. So starting tomorrow, I will incorporate the master cleanse lemonade detox for 10 days in order to rid my abused system of build up toxins. After reading the pros and cons of such procedure, I have decided to take a risk and riff the "benefits" in the end process. This way, I can have a better control of understanding true hunger from cravings/bordem eating by building self control. I just pray that it does not ruin me psychologically like start having delusions because of the lack of food-lol!! I prepared the concoction ready for me to consume starting tomorrow. I will devour nothing but a pure liquid formula for the next 10 days---(finger crossed wish me luck). After mixing this supposed miracle potion, I actually took a little sneak sip for my liking. And I'm oddly surprised that It actually does not taste that bad. It reminds me of a sweet tea with a citrus kick. I just hope that I will not get sick of it after the first 24 hour. I will then blog about my daily consumption and include my thought process and any physical reaction to such drastic cleansing. Another reason why I am doing this master cleanse is that I will be heading out for Las Vegas in the next couple of week and I want to lose a few pounds before I leave. My target weight loss is 10 lbs in the next 2 weeks. I just hope that this is something I can stick with for the whole 10 days. I am excited to try it and I am being optimistic about the result. After I complete the 10 day cleanse, I will start eating more raw unprocessed food to minimize the toxins in my body. I have also read that during the cleansing process, people often have more energy to do everyday task and that is exactly what I need. Lately, I have been feeling really tired, I find myself taking short naps in the middle of the day, and I just don't have the will to do any activities including driving myself to the gym or the park to exercise. I CAN DO THIS!!! I KNOW I CAN!!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So frustrated with myself right now.....

I just had to blog today because since I made my first entry, I have not had any progress thus far. In reality, I have been eating unhealthy food choices and I have not been working out. I wonder if I will ever gain the will power and momentum to start living healthy. lately, I just feel lost in all sense of direction. I do not feel like I have any energy, desire, and will to start making better choices for my health. What's worst is that temptations are served in a fancy plate waiting for me to give in and of course I do (and feel guilty about it afterwards). How can I fight this battle and win? The last thing I want to do is resort to surgery when it comes to losing weight. I want to be able to prove to myself that If I can overcome obesity, then I can overcome any adversity that will cross my path. I think I need to focus and learn how to say NO!!!! Hopefully in the future days to come, I will blog progress and not failure...... I CAN DO THIS!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

My beginning

Today marks my past multiple attempt to lose weight. Last year 2009 my new years resolution was to be healthier and be happier. I was successful for the first 5 months of my journey allowing me to lose 20 lbs by working out and eating a healthy meal. Mid way to the year, I fell off the wagon and started staggering back on track. Little did I know, my weight started coming back. Then those dreadful holidays came and gone but my weight gain of 10 lbs remained to this day. So now I am starting this weight loss battle once again and hope that I become successful at it for the rest of my life. I will blog any strength and weaknesses either weekly or bi-weekly ( I have not decided on that yet). I will post my weight-ins including the one for today and my measurements and current apparel size. Woowza this seems so overwhelming!!! BUT IT MUST BE DONE. Coming from a family history of diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and etc. I want to decrease my chances of developing these dreadful diseases by becoming a healthy individual. Better now than never and before it's too late!!!!!!!!!!! My weight loss life long goal is to be at a healthy 130-140 lbs. My short term goal at this time is to lose 50 lbs by september-october of this year. I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!

My plan:
-workout for 4-5/week for 1-1.5 hours combining cardio and strength training.
-portion control, portion control, portion control
-cut back on my sweets and high fat foods--ouch this will hurt me!!!!!
-make better choices when eating out
-eat to when I am comfortably full and not "I ate so much that I want to puke to relieve myself some room" kind of feeling.
-read/listen/watch weight loss motivational media that will keep me focused
-keep moving less tv or online-hahahahahaha!!!
-weigh-ins every 2 weeks for progress and if my plan does not work, REVISE!!!!

Losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a life long battle. My battle stars today!!!

starting weight: 214.6 lbs

measurements: waist 41 inches
hips 48.5 inches
bust 43.5 inches

my current sizes: dresses 16-18
jean 14-16
tops L-XL-1X