Friday, March 19, 2010

My beginning

Today marks my past multiple attempt to lose weight. Last year 2009 my new years resolution was to be healthier and be happier. I was successful for the first 5 months of my journey allowing me to lose 20 lbs by working out and eating a healthy meal. Mid way to the year, I fell off the wagon and started staggering back on track. Little did I know, my weight started coming back. Then those dreadful holidays came and gone but my weight gain of 10 lbs remained to this day. So now I am starting this weight loss battle once again and hope that I become successful at it for the rest of my life. I will blog any strength and weaknesses either weekly or bi-weekly ( I have not decided on that yet). I will post my weight-ins including the one for today and my measurements and current apparel size. Woowza this seems so overwhelming!!! BUT IT MUST BE DONE. Coming from a family history of diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and etc. I want to decrease my chances of developing these dreadful diseases by becoming a healthy individual. Better now than never and before it's too late!!!!!!!!!!! My weight loss life long goal is to be at a healthy 130-140 lbs. My short term goal at this time is to lose 50 lbs by september-october of this year. I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!

My plan:
-workout for 4-5/week for 1-1.5 hours combining cardio and strength training.
-portion control, portion control, portion control
-cut back on my sweets and high fat foods--ouch this will hurt me!!!!!
-make better choices when eating out
-eat to when I am comfortably full and not "I ate so much that I want to puke to relieve myself some room" kind of feeling.
-read/listen/watch weight loss motivational media that will keep me focused
-keep moving less tv or online-hahahahahaha!!!
-weigh-ins every 2 weeks for progress and if my plan does not work, REVISE!!!!

Losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a life long battle. My battle stars today!!!

starting weight: 214.6 lbs

measurements: waist 41 inches
hips 48.5 inches
bust 43.5 inches

my current sizes: dresses 16-18
jean 14-16
tops L-XL-1X

1 comment:

  1. good luck! You CAN DO IT!

    Looking forward to following along,
