Tuesday, April 13, 2010

8 down 2 more to go!

I'm almost there. For my Vegas trip coming up in the end of this week, I have made a goal to lose 10 pounds. I ate healthy, I worked out, and I made better choices for myself. As a result, I have lost 8 pounds so far. I have 4 days to work on the extra 2 pounds and I know that I can do it. This is just the beginning of my journey. Now that I have regained my confidence and motivation, I will keep looking forward in hope to reach my long term goal of losing 80 pounds. I know that along the way I will come across obstacles that may potentially slow me down. But I will be prepared to tackle those obstacles with an open and strong mind. I have in the past allowed to let myself to lose control once I hit a bump in the road. As a result, I gained back all the weight I have lost with extra baggage and my emotions would play bad mind tricks making me think the "what ifs??".

My plan for the weeks coming up is to set a mini goal each week for me to attain. I will continue doing what I am currently doing because I know it works. I will workout harder and plan out my meals to avoid settling for the unhealthy when I'm cramp with time. But for now, I will rejoice with my victory and hope that my progress will continue. People may say when I go to Vegas I will gain my weight back. I thought of that I am prepared to gain a few pounds back but you know what? I don't care. For now I will enjoy myself on my trip and when i return home, I will work harder to lose those pounds. How often do I go for a trip? not very often therefore I will have a reason to celebrate at Vegas.

Update: As of today I am currently at 208.6 lbs.

New picture of me same top same pants: can you see the difference?

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